How to fix Fear Aggression in Dogs?

Can Fear Aggression Be Trained Out Of A Dog? 

There is a lot of debate on whether or not fearful dogs with aggressive behavior can be trained. Particularly with fear aggression, many people have doubts on whether a dog can permanently come to terms with their fear, or at least learn to handle their fears in a calmer, nonviolent fashion.

Yogi would always be nervous at guests, and has gone as far as to bite them. He is in the process of overcoming his fear, and being a happy, obedient, well-adjusted Bloodhound!

Aggressive Dog Training for Fearful Dogs

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To define fear aggression, it is basically a dog being afraid or nervous–perhaps with men, bigger dogs, strangers, children, etc.–and in response, the dog reacts in an aggressive manner, such as growling, baring teeth, barking, lunging, biting, and so forth. Anxiety and insecurity are causing the fear aggression, and many are quick to believe that any aggressive dog must have had a checkered past of abuse and neglect. This is not to say this isn’t a possibility, but there are many other ways a dog can grow insecure, even without abuse being present.

I have met many fear aggressive behavior dogs who came into the owner’s life at eight weeks and lived a comfortable life with no serious trauma taking place.

Why Do Dogs Develop Fear Aggression

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So why do dogs get fear aggression? Where does the insecurity come from? So many factors can play into this, from having no consistent schedule to lack of socialization as a puppy. It is important to try to find out about the past, but the best thing we as owners can do for our fear aggression dog is focus on the present, and work to shaping a better future for our dogs.

Now, many wonder how can we treat fear aggression? Unfortunately, many people assume fear aggression is something that is purely medical or biological, it is something inherent and cannot be fixed unless medication is involved. While in some cases, anti-anxiety medications can be a helpful tool in combating the aggression, a vet must be consulted first AND the medication should be used as a tool, not a solution.

scared, dog, looking

Recently, one of my local vets referred a client to me, but she called me beforehand to explain that the pet parents were adamant on getting the fearful dog on anti-anxiety meds, and was still on the fence on training. I never did get that client to at least consult with me, unfortunately, as she most likely believed the medication would solve all the problems. Again, not discrediting the use of medication (because it CAN be helpful as a tool), but even my referring vet reminded me of one of the many side effects these drugs can cause in the dog… fear aggression!

Men, guests in the home, even garbage cans…you name it! Zoey here was afraid of it! She would either growl and bark, or at times, run away with these stimuli present. Zoey is learning more to be a confident girl, both in the home and out!

Fear Aggressive Dog Can Be Trained!

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While aggression could stem from some medical issues, it is STILL a behavioral issue. A dog with behavioral issues needs behavioral modification, especially severe anxiety and aggression cases. These cases must be approached carefully, where both trainer and owner are committed to the cause, and the dog must learn to regain confidence.

With my training, I want to get to the root cause of the fear aggression. I must begin by working on alleviating the dog’s anxiety, creating an environment based on comfort and consistency. Reward-based training is something I always try to follow, and with aggression cases, it helps immensely to restore leadership within the owner, and also to restore confidence and teach better behaviors for the dog. It is important NOT to rush with severe aggression cases.

While I wish I could wave a magic wand that made the dog happy, obedient and non-aggressive, we must all be realistic here. We do confront the aggression first-hand, but to make it easier and to not just throw the dog under the bus, we must help the dog learn to trust again, and to feel more secure.

Can A Fearful Dog Change?

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Fear aggressive dogs is a behavioral problem that can be treated, and not just by doping them up with pills. It takes ALOT of work and commitment from trainer and pet parents, and with my training being results-based, I work with a committed owner until the training goals are met! A dog might learn to no longer be afraid of something. A dog might still be nervous around a certain stimuli, but they can respond better when that fear develops. Instead of aggression, they move on, they ignore or avoid the trigger, etc. I want to get the dog to learn better behaviors, but also to be a happy, confident dog!

Let us Help Resolve the Fear Aggression in your Dog

If you have a fearful dog suffering from fear aggression or any other behavioral issue even dog aggression, do not hesitate to call  or write me at Contact the best dog trainer in Atlanta!

I am happy to answer any questions and am ready to help your dog and family. Do not think fear aggression is a death sentence for a dog…change is possible and I’ve seen it in some of the most hopeless looking cases! Help is here and if you want it, it is on the way!

We fix fear aggression and other aggressive behavior in dogs everyday! We know having a fear aggressive dog can be hard, any kind of canine aggression is not easy, whether you have one dog with it or other dogs with it with fear aggression.

Fear aggression in dogs can be make for an aggressive dogs in other dogs, but a dog’s fear can be trained out of them with our certified professional dog trainer.