Aggressive Dog Training Atlanta

Do you have a dog that displays aggressive behavior? Peachtree Dog Training provides a premier aggressive dog training program in Atlanta and the surrounding areas. We will not only train the aggressive dog behavior, but we make sure dog owners have the skills and knowledge to keep up with the training.

Training an Aggressive Dog

There are many warning signs of aggression in dogs, growling, barking, lunging, body language and of course actually biting or nipping. When it comes to aggressive and reactive behaviors there are many different levels of severity. During our in-home behavior consultation our professional dog trainer will access the dog’s behavior and the severity of the aggression. We will use our proven training methods to help you correct you pup’s aggressive behavior once and for all. 

aggressive dog training atlanta

Forms of aggression:

  • Human Aggression
  • Dog Aggression
  • Resource Guarding
  • Territorial Aggression
  • Food Aggression
  • Sibling Aggression
  • Leash Aggression

Behavior Modification for Every Dog Breed

Peachtree Dog Training is proud to address and correct canine aggression in dogs of all breeds, it doesn’t matter how big or small they are. Once a dog has become aggressive or shows reactivity it’s crucial to correct that behavior right away. If a dog’s aggression is not addressed it can get worse with time, thus making it harder to fix. Our training services won’t change your dog’s personality, but it will improve their behavior and obedience training. 

What Causes Dog Aggression?

There are several factors that can lead to aggression and reactive dog behavior. When dogs are aggressive towards people or other dogs it’s usually because they have learned that behavior gets them what they want. Dogs learn by following their instincts, if they are uncomfortable in a situation they will let you know in one of two ways, fight or flight. Lots of times aggression will occur due to lack of a leadership.

Dogs need their owner to lead them and guide them, when that doesn’t happen, instincts kick in and behavior issues will arise. When you seek professional help we will help you identify why your dog is exhibiting aggression and how we can fix it. 

Let Us Help

If you are ready to help your dog, give us a call or send us an email. We’ll create a custom training plan just for you and your pup!