Why Sign Up For a Group Training Class 

My primary specialty is in-home dog training for a variety of canine behavioral issues, such as housebreaking, aggression, separation anxiety, destructive behavior, and much more. However, I have received countless requests for some type of group setting for dog training. Many people have seen or even tried out group classes in pet retail stores or other training facilities. The big benefits from these types of classes is the opportunity for socialization and distraction training.

Meet Dasher! He recently graduated from the Practical Pet Protocol which took place at Lanier Animal Hospital in Sugar Hill, GA! We are so proud of this little guy!

While my in-home training always addresses distraction training, it is understandable how a group class appears more appealing for some of these dog owners. Having consistent classmates also eliminates any potential feels of isolation for these training students who are all embarking on an important behavioral journey for their dogs.

This is why I decided to introduce the Practical Pet Protocol as another training program of Peachtree Dog Training. However, as I was putting the curriculum to this program together, I knew it had to go the extra mile. There are so many different dog obedience group classes available out there…what would make people want to sign up with me?

The Practical Pet Protocol is named this for a reason – the training these dogs and owners learn should be something that is practical, and something that can be utilized outside the classroom. While basic commands and manners will be covered, it is imperative that these dogs also learn how to follow these commands and a solid structure in the home, on walks, going into their favorite pet store, visiting the vet, etc. The dogs must also learn to be able to concentrate and follow their owners lead in both a calm environment and one packed with distractions.

Your dog will learn the basics and be able to follow these new good behaviors in the class, in the home, outside, everywhere!

Through the Practical Pet Protocol, both canine and human will be coached by me on how to introduce and reinforce appropriate behavior patterns. Through positive reinforcement and reward-based training methods, the dog will learn what he/she needs to do in order to be a successful, obedient dog. Dog owners will receive written material and other additional resources (including a handy mobile app!) that will empower them as a leader and confident owner.

However, I also understand that in order to set a dog up for success, it is important to take into consideration what the training goals are for the dog. For dogs suffering from serious behavior issues, such as leach reactivity or any type of aggression would not be suited in group classes environment. Not only will this immediately cause more problems and upsetting situations for the dog, but safety is always a top priority when it comes to my clients. Thankfully, for those dogs not eligible for the Practical Pet Protocol, I am happy to take them in for private training and my aggression rehabilitation program.

For those interested in signing up their dog for a group class, I highly encourage it. I do also advise those owners to think hard about what they want to accomplish with their dog’s behavior, and consider if their dog would thrive better in a private setting, or in a classroom with other dogs and other people present and learning by their side.

The Practical Pet Protocol is available is several locations in the Atlanta area and beyond. For more information on the curriculum and how to sign your pup up, visit here or contact me at 800-649-7297 or training@peachtreedogtraining.com.